Core Values

Submitting to Scripture

2 Timothy 3:16

We believe that all Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. Therefore, we recognize the need to obey Scripture in all things.>


John 15:5

We believe that we are called to be Christians 24/7, 365 days of the year, not just on Sunday mornings. We believe that walking daily with God on a personal and individual level is vital to our spiritual journey. And as we abide with Christ, we will bear more fruit.


Galatians 6:2/James 5:16

We believe that the church should be a place where people can come and be their real selves. We are all struggling in different ways, and the solution is to come together and help each other rather than wearing a mask and pretending to be ok. We also know how important it is to be people who can listen deeply and with empathy. Ablaze is a place where we can be real and vulnerable. It is also a place where others can be vulnerable with us, knowing we will listen and empathize rather than judge.

Every Member a Minister

1 Corinthians 12:7

We believe that every Christian has been given spiritual gifts for the good of the whole church. We value and appreciate the uniqueness of how we are all designed by God. We believe people will be the most spiritually healthy and effective for the Kingdom when they are operating in their unique gifting and calling. Ablaze is a church where we all roll up our sleeves and serve in our giftings rather than sit and watch.

Raising Godly Families

Acts 2:42-44

We believe in the value of family and strive to have an environment of a family all worshiping together. We see so much beauty in multi-cultural, multi-generational church and how much we can learn from and teach one another. Ablaze should be a place where you can feel a kinship with everyone around you in a relaxed environment.